Honey Flavor Black Tea

Only in pesticide-free organic tea farming, the Jacobiasca Formosana infestation occurs. Their bites cause the oolong tea to stop growing. As a result, the buds with reduced internal moisture, along with a series of chemical changes, transform into elegant honey tea flushes. The tea they produce do not have the traditional black tea bitterness, but a natural honey aroma and sweet-scented osmanthus fragrances combined.

Tea leaf

With strong aroma of fruit, honey, and flowers, one sip distributes the subtle aroma in the mouth.



50g per caddy


100g per caddy






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How to drink

Put appropriate amount of tea leaves into pot with 95-100ºC hot water. The first brew only needs to be prepared for 30 seconds for the appropriate flavor

Put the teabag into bottle. Pour in 600ml cold water, send your bottle into refrigerator. Wait for 6 hours, take out your bottle, and enjoy your sips. Feel free to adjust the brewing time for your preferred flavor.

Keep in dry place, away from direct sunlight.

The production plant of Dancing Tea has passed FSSC 22000 (includingISO 22000 and HACCP).